#1 [↑][↓]  20-02-2009 20:16:15

Nouveau pilote
Lieu: Roanne [LFLO]
Date d'inscription: 20-02-2009
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Créer trafic

Bonsoir à tous.

ma question est simple.

Comment font-on pour créer son propre trafic aérien sous Fs X?

Merci beaucoup d'avance.wink

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#2 [↑][↓]  20-02-2009 20:28:29

Elève Pilote
Lieu: Bruxelles
Date d'inscription: 16-03-2008
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Re: Créer trafic

Bonsoir j'utilise :

Random AI Flight Plan Generator

Version 2.5


Installing RAIFG
How RAIFG works
What's New


Creating AI FLight Plans was never easier that this!
This little utility is the solution to create flight plans with a single click. You just need to provide the Aircraft.txt and the Airports.txt files (as you would usually do with any other program to create AI Flight Plans), then the program generates a whole flight plan based on the aircraft selected and the airports available in your Airports.txt file, and add it or reject it depending on distance or flight time.
Then with TTolls you compile the resulting FlightPlans.txt file into a Traffic.bgl. That's it.

Installing RAIFG
Just unzip all files in a single directory (folder).

This application is very simple to use and the GUI clear.
The first thing to do is to copy, into the same folder where Raifg is, both Aircraft.txt and Airports.txt files.
Then, when you open your filghtplans.txt files the aircraft and airport combos are populated.

The first time you start RAIFG will be asked to enter your timezone and the range (in miles) where are the airports you want to use for your flightplans.

The first option is "Select Aircraft". This combo box contains all aircrafts that are in your Aircraft.txt file.
Then "Select the Flight Type" is where you indicate that this flight plan is IFR or VFR, by default IFR is selected.
The Traffic % indicates the traffic level at wich your AI aircraft will be shown in Flight Simulator (refer to Microsoft FS Documentation).
The next option is the Flight Number. This field is available and you can asign a flight number, however this will be the flight number for the first flight, the others will be randomly generated and asigned to each flight. Every time you start RAIFG a new Flight Number from 100 to 9999 is generated.
Next to the Flight Number are two radio buttons: Registration Number and Flight Number. Select one to indicate how the tower will identify this aircraft. By default Flight Number is Selected. (The registration number was omitted because it is aslo automatically generated).
Enter Departure Time:
Here you will enter the departure time (your local time) of the first flight. The next departure time will be asign by the application depending on the arrival time of the previous flight.
Select Departure Airport:
This combo box is populated with the Airports.txt file. Here you select the departure airport for the first flight.
Select Time Between Flights:
This is the time that the aircraft will spend in each airport. The minimum (and set by default) is 1 hour.
The flight plan text area shows the flight plan the way it should be in order to suscesfully compile it with TTools.
The Generate FP button generates a Flight Plan.
Accept Flight Plan Button writes the flight plan to the txt file.
If the file does not exists, it will create it, if the file already exists, it will add the flight plan. The application will not erase the previous flight plans.

How RAIFG Works
After reading this section you will know if Raifg is for you.
The main porpouse of this application is to create AI traffic as fast and easy as possible, without having to worry about how long a flight takes.
So, how this program works?.
It takes the aircraft and airport selected by the user and randomly select an arrival airport. The arrival time is calculated by the application and then assign a departing time for the next flight using the "Time between flight" selected and the arrival time of the previous flight.
The program keeps going until any flight selected (and going back to the first departure airport) exceeds the 24HR repetition that this program uses.
For example, if your first flight departs at 12:00 and you are using a 1:00h time between flights, the last flight must arrive at the first departing airport before 11:00. Any flight that takes longer than 10:00 hours will be rejected by the program. (10:00 hours to go + 1:00 in airport + 10:00 to go back + 1:00 hour in airport = 22HR, and 2 aditional hours that I use to keep flights on time).
The airport will be assigned depending on the aircraft selected by the user. For example, if the aircraft selected is a Cessna Skylane 182s, the airport will be within the aircraft's range (400 miles).

Another thing that Raifg will take care of is the Flight Level. Just like with the airport, the FL will be assigned based on the aircraft selected.

    For an aircraft like the Cessna the maximum altitude is FL140.
    For a jumbo jet the maximum is FL370.

Now you have more control of the fligths that are created (still automatically), as you can tell RAIFG to reject airports within an area from your departing airport. This area is not from the current airport your plane is but from the first departing airport. So, if you reject airport farther than 300 miles or closer than 50 from the first departing airport, only airports in that area will be used by RAIFG.

Another change is that you'll get to select your timezone only ONCE.... then RAIFG will create an ini file that will be read each time you open the program.

The flight level assignment has been improved, so you won't have a Cessna climbing to fl190 or a Boeing 737 going to an airport 40 miles away and climbing to FL260. With the reject airports option you can prevent from a B737 departing from an airport and going to another airport 30 miles away.

What's New
The tools menu includes two options.
One is a Disctance Calculator, useful to determine the maximum and minimum airports distance to reject.

The second new tool added is the AMFPC (Automatic Multi Flight Plans Creator).
This is a new tool to create up to 5 flight plans with a single click. You have the option to randomly change the aircraft (Thanks to Emile De Mesmaeker for this idea). Also you can specify the time between departures. Let's say you select 3:00 hours, and you select the first departing time 00:00:00, then the next departure would be at 03:mm:00 and so on....

Important: Make sure you have enough parking spaces, cause you'll have lots of aircraft flying around!!!!!!

Remember to let me know of any error you may find in it.
Also any comments or idea to improve this application is welcome.
Please feel free to contact me at:

Eduardo Lebrón

You also will need TTools to compile the resulting txt file.

Microsoft and Microsoft Flight Simulator are trademarks of Microsoft Corp."

et cela fonctionne très bien.

Emile EBBR Asus P7P67 Pro v3, Intel 1155 3.4 GH, Corsair DDR3 8Gb,PCX Nvidia 560 ti,PCX Nvidia 550 ti,
SSD 120Gb, 2 x 1 Tera SATA6, Dual Boot . Win7 Pro X64

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#3 [↑][↓]  20-02-2009 20:31:44

Nouveau pilote
Lieu: Roanne [LFLO]
Date d'inscription: 20-02-2009
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Site web

Re: Créer trafic

excusez moi vous trouvez ou ce logiciel??

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#4 [↑][↓]  21-02-2009 08:33:45

Elève Pilote
Lieu: Bruxelles
Date d'inscription: 16-03-2008
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Re: Créer trafic

Emile EBBR Asus P7P67 Pro v3, Intel 1155 3.4 GH, Corsair DDR3 8Gb,PCX Nvidia 560 ti,PCX Nvidia 550 ti,
SSD 120Gb, 2 x 1 Tera SATA6, Dual Boot . Win7 Pro X64

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#5 [↑][↓]  21-02-2009 12:42:27

Date d'inscription: 13-03-2008

Re: Créer trafic

Comment font-on pour créer son propre trafic aérien sous Fs X?

Merci de penser à préciser FS9 ou FSX, ça facilite la lecture et la recherche sur le site.

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